Statement of Environmental Effects

A Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) is a document that is required for all development applications (except Designated Development and State Significant Development) under Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. It explains the likely impacts of a development proposal on the natural and built environment and must demonstrate how these impacts will be minimised. It also addresses how a development proposal complies with applicable legislative requirements.

What does a Statement of Environmental Effects contain?

A SEE should include:

  • A description of the site (including present and previous land uses) and the surrounding locality
  • A detailed description of the proposed development, including operational details
  • Details of the site’s suitability for the proposed development
  • The likely impacts of the proposed development (including environmental impacts on both the natural and built environments, and the social and economic impacts in the locality)
  • The steps to be taken to lessen the expected impacts
  • How the proposed development complies with relevant planning instruments and policies (refer to the Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan) and any other applicable planning instruments (such as State Environmental Planning Policies) and legislation
  • Justification for any part of the development that does not comply with relevant policies or legislation.

If the SEE does not contain all required information, there may be delays in processing the development application.

Note: Where the proposed development will result in a non-compliance with a development standard from the Local Environmental Plan, a Clause 4.6 Variation to a Development Standard Report must be submitted with the development application.